Infinite Story

Beyond work, taking care of my kids, and writing the only other thing I’ve really put any time into is a game called Infinity Blade III on the iPad. I’ve always been a big fan of this game series.

When the first one came out, it seemed expensive since most games were free or $0.99. $1.99 was considered expensive, but IB came out costing $6.99! To be fair, the graphics looked better than any other iOS game I had seen to date, it was a unique type of game, and the people who hadn’t been scared off by the price were raving about it. So I bought it.

I was blown away.

When the second game came out a while later, I didn’t hesitate. And when the third was released recently, I was waiting for release day.

What I’m really impressed with is the story this game brings. Not just the story during the course of the game, although it is fairly interesting. Author Brandon Sanderson wrote 2 novellas that bridge that gap between games. The first book, Awakening, picks up where the first game ends, giving readers and gamers some of the answers to lingering questions. The second game then picks up where the first book ends. And the second book picks up where the second game ends. And I’m sure you can guess where the story of the third game picks up.

What I’m getting at is that none of the story is retold. Nothing is recycled or rehashed in an effort to get more money out of fans. It’s all original story, and to get it all you’ll need to experience both the games and the books. That impressed me even more than the game. CHAIR had taken the two hobbies I love the most and combined them into one experience.

If this has convinced anyone to give the Infinity Blade series a try, do yourself a favour and start with the original game. By jumping ahead you’ll rob yourself of the whole experience. To be fair, though, anyone who would want to give this series a try, probably already has.