Marvel is doing an incredible job in the movie world.
As a comic book fan, I cared about way more comic book characters than most people I knew, but Marvel reached down deep and made me, and millions of others, care about the obscure and unheard-of characters like the Guardians of the Galaxy.
I didn’t even know who made up the Guardians. I knew the name Rocket Racoon from somewhere. Now they’re the biggest thing to come out of 2014.
Marvel’s not done yet. By 2019 you’re also going to care about Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, and The InHumans. You might think you won’t, but you probably will. Marvel has invented come kind of machine that feeds on obscurity and creates pure genius.
What might be even more interesting than that, are the actors playing these heroes, becoming real-life heroes.

Chris Pratt can’t hide his shame as he showed up at the Boston’s Christopher’s Haven cancer charity dressed as Star-Lord.
Chris Evans and Chris Pratt are champions of charity and good will. Always donating time and money to help those less fortunate. One of the most recent events happened around the Superbowl. The two placed a bet, Pratt favoring the Seattle Seahawks and Evans rooting for the Patriots.
The stake was not cash. The loser would dress as their famed character and visit a children’s hospital of the winner’s choice. Though it didn’t quite end that way.

Chris Evans dressed as Captain America, and accompanied by Chris Pratt, visiting a Children’s Hospital in Seattle.
Not only did Pratt go through with his punishment, which he seemed to enjoy, Evans still dressed up as Cap and went to the hospital of Pratt’s choice. Talk about a superhero team-up.
If that wasn’t enough, the actions of these two inspired people. Fundraisers sprouted up for the two hospitals and raised over $27,000.
I’ve always liked these guys in the roles they’ve played, especially Star Lord and Cap, but stuff like this truly makes me a big fan.
Now, what the H will I wrote about tomorrow?!
We watched that over the weekend. Kids really love that show. Who doesn;t like a talking raccoon with awesome weapons!
I remember that Super Bowl bet. Those guys are great!
Stephen Tremp
an A-Z Cohost
@StephenTremp on Twitter
I absolutely love the Marvel movies. Robert Downey Jr. is also a wonderful man in real life. And yay, new comment section! 😀
I’m trying! This site will eventually be in shape!
It’s beautiful! I wouldn’t worry. The only thing I noticed is recently the avatars ballooned out and obstruct the actual comments.