Earth’s Protector

tardis orbiting the earthA-Z Challenge Badge EIt’s funny to think that with all the places and times The Doctor can visit, he spends an awful lot of time on Earth. More specifically, London. The Eleventh Doctor even goes as far as to say, “This planet, these people are precious to me.” What’s that all about?

It would be easy to argue that Eleven—and many other Doctors—consider all life to be precious, but all the Doctors before eleven have also acted as guardian of Earth.

We’re not the only place or the only people he protects, but we do seem to be a favorite. Why do you think that is? I’ve heard some theories.

the eighth Doctor in the tardis

What’s with the creepy eyes, Doc?

The Half-human Theory
In the Doctor Who movie (1996) the Eighth claims to be half human on his mother’s side. There could be truth to that. It’s never been confirmed or denied, or really brought up at all since. Many speculate this was just part of a ruse to fool The Master.

A Doctor Who novel called Alien Bodies by Lawrence Miles suggests that only the Eighth Doctor is half human. No offense to Mr. Miles, but that seems pretty flimsy. I realize almost anything is possible in the Whoniverse, but that seems like a load of Adipose. Let’s go back further.


third doctor working

From creepy to angry…

The Home in Exile Theory
The Third Doctor was exiled to Earth for a time. It would be easy to understand him developing a connection as a second home. However, he’s exiled to Earth because he’s already shown a special interest in the planet, visiting it often. His fondness must have started somewhere else.


The Centre of it All Theory
Earth has been referred to a “temporal nexus point.” There’s very little detail beyond that, but the general idea is that things that happen on Earth have a much bigger impact on the rest of existence.


protectionThe Future Empire Theory
The Ninth Doctor remarks that the human race eventually spreads out into every known universe. Protecting Earth is a way of making sure an awful lot of timelines stay in tact.


The We’re just that Awesome Theory
Earth has often been praised by various Doctors for things like our survivability and our spirit. The Doctor has a lot of friends, and many of them have been humans. We rule.

I want to read about YOUR theory in the comments below.