“Okay, Hot Shot, what’s next?”

With the A-Z Challenge well behind me, you may be wondering, “What’s next?” What am I going to do to make coming back to jwmartin.com worth the visit?

Beyond posting a little more regularly, I have a few ideas.

The first is vlog posts. Staring at a camera and talking seems like it’s going to be awkward and something that’ll get better over time. But I also feel like it could be fun for me, and entertaining (hopefully) for all of you.

Secondly, one week from today I’ll be starting a brand new story that will be posted exclusively to this blog. Posts will appear weekly with occasional extra content that I’m very excited about, but I don’t want to spoil the surprise just yet.

I’m tempted to even keep the basics a secret until next week, but I wouldn’t want anyone to come back on Monday and feel disappointed. So I will tell you this: It is a zombie story.

There are a lot of zombie stories out there, and some people don’t like them. If you’re one of these people, this story may not be for you. Although, maybe it will be…