Who You Gonna Hate? Ghostbusters?

ghostbusters2016Blog posts, tweets, statuses, videos, and webpages are showing up across the Internet with pure hatred for the upcoming Ghostbusters movie.

I can’t figure out why the world seems to have turned its back on this movie. It hasn’t even been released. We have a few trailers, some poster art, and that’s it.

The stated reasons for this hate are numerous and persistent. While some of them may have some truth behind them, a lot of them seem to be thoughtless rantings the close minded and socially inept.

3055966-gb-header-castIt’s Not the Original Cast

Of course it’s not. Dan Aykroyd has moved into a producer role. Bill Murray is more interested in different and would rather let others have a turn with the proton pack. And Harold Ramis died in 2014.

Beyond that, all remaining cast members have given this movie their blessing and approval. And though nothing has been announced or shown in trailers, Dan Akyroyd, Bill Murray, Ernie Hudson, Sigourney Weaver and Annie Potts and all listed on IMDB in the credits. I don’t know what that means, but how could it be bad?

It Shouldn’t be Called Ghostbusters

"Ray, I don't think they're listening."

This one is rooted in people claiming it has nothing to do with the original movies, or the people that made the original movie.

Aren’t you listening to anything I’ve said?

Aykroyd is producing this bitch. So is the original director Ivan Reitman. Aykroyd wrote the script as well. And I repeat, all the cast members are listed to be cast in this one. So…now what have you got to say?

ghostbusters 2016Why Does the Cast Have to be All Women?

Why did the original have to be all men? I don’t know and I don’t care. It could have been men, women, or a mix of both and I’d be going to see it.

This is the closest argument to what I think is the real reason many people are complaining about it. It’s girls. Girl ghostbusters. Eww.

Anyone who’s hating on this movie for that reason really needs to grow a pair and realize girls can be funny, and they can kick ass. Ripley in Aliens. Sarah Connor. Selina in Underworld. Katniss Everdeen. Brienne of Tarth. Wonder Woman. And there are so many more.

These aren’t MY Ghostbusters

This is a slight variation on the first one. This new movie that’s coming out is not the ones from the 80s. That’s a fact. You know why it’s not? Because we already have those movies from the 80s. They’re still there and they’re still a lot of fun to watch.

If this is your reason for not wanting to see the new Ghostbusters, I can accept that. Don’t see it. But don’t spread hate about it either.

Some kids don’t have a team of Ghostbusters that they can call their own. Don’t forget, for every boy who looked up to the original Ghostbusters in the 80s, there’s a little girl who can’t wait to see a group of women bust some ghosts.

So, if you’ve decided that this movie isn’t for you based on a trailer, or some posters, or the sex of the cast members, or the fact that it’s no longer the 80s, that’s fine. Just don’t adopt a toxic opinion and spread it around. There’s too many people doing that already.

While they’re screaming about their childhood being destroyed—and making themselves look pathetic—this movie is going to help form the childhood of a new generation.