Goodreads Monday #2

Goodreads Monday is a weekly meme hosted by Lauren’s Page Turners. Feature a random book from your TBR. Check out Lauren’s blog while you’re at it.

The little spin I used last week was to use to give me a random number instead of picking my own book. That was kind of fun, so I thought I’d do again this week.

Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

Six of Crows was recommended by everyone on the planet. Okay, maybe not the planet. The blogosphere for sure. Either way, I read it. I loved it.

All the characters are pretty great, but Kaz Brekker is the man. He’s the reason I’m heading back for the sequel.

CK was already out when I finished SoC, but I have this weird habit with series. For the most part, I avoid reading them back-to-back. I have some unfounded fear of getting saturated and never wanting to go back.

It’s silly, cause I can’t think of a time when that’s ever happened, but it’s just how I function.

Fun fact about this post: I recently broke that ‘rule’ of mine when I read Golden Son and Morning Star back to back.