The Justice League Book Tag

With the Justice League movie coming out in a few weeks, I couldn’t resist doing this tag when I saw it. It was created by Angelica & Rosie @TheBookCoverGirls and it’s super fun for a comic book nerd like me!With the Justice League movie coming out in a few weeks, I couldn’t resist doing this tag when I saw it. It was created by Angelica & Rosie @TheBookCoverGirls and it’s super fun for a comic book nerd like me!

The Rules:

• Copy these rules onto your post
• Mention creators of the tag: Angelica and Rosie @TheBookCoverGirls and link to the original post
• Mention and thank the person who tagged you and link to their post
• Answer all the questions
• Since there were originally seven members in the Justice League, tag 7 people
• Also, you can use the images provided, but don’t have to if you don’t want to
• Have fun with it!

  Six of Crows book cover

Batman: You favorite antihero

Favorite Anti-hero? Batman, obvs. Cheating, huh? Yeah, I guess. Fine. Kaz Brekker. They’re very similar. They both always have a plan, and a backup plan, and a back up to the backup plan. They both have a strange affinity for black flying creatures. They both lost their entire family and then built another one. They’re both fueled by revenge/justice. They both… eat. A stretch? I guess. But they do.


Aquaman: A book or character that turned out to be better than you expected (because let’s be real, we did not expect Khal Drogo to make Aquaman cool)

Wool by Hugh Howey. I thought it was going to be good, but then it just sucked me right in, sunk its teeth into me, and didn’t let go until the last chapter. And if you want to see a really fun version of Aquaman, make some time to check out Batman: The Brave and the Bold. Huzzah!


Wonder Woman: Most badass female character (not necessarily in a physical sense)

Hermione Granger. She might not be the first one to start punching people in the face (unless we’re talking about Malfoy) but she’s a total badass. Always has the answer whether it’s a spell, something from her magical bag, or just knowing what book to check in the library.


Cyborg: Favorite science fiction novel

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. “Can’t you go one post without mentioning RPO?” I could… but I don’t wanna.


The Flash: A book you sped through

Illuminae by Kaufman and Kristoff. I couldn’t believe how fast I flew through this. Especially considering it was a 600-pager. Although, anyone who’s actually read it knows, there are entire stacks of pages that you get to turn as fast and your fingers can go. Pages with one word. Pages with ASCII artwork. Pages, and pages of names that really don’t have that much bearing on the story other to take notice that there are a lot of names.


Superman: Saddest character death (although we all know there’s no way Superman is going to stay dead)

Morning Star by Pierce Brown. For the sake of spoilers, I won’t say who it is I’m talking about. Anyone who’d read the book already knows exactly who I’m talking about.

Fun fact about this post: Comic books were the reason I started reading in the first place.