Top 5 cozy winter reads

On the 5th day of Blogmas

yours truly brings to you,

another Top 5 Tuesday,

from Bionic Bookworm!

Co-zy win-ter reads!

Sorry for spontaneously breaking into song. I guess it’s just that time of year? Anyway, this is Shanah’s Top 5 Tuesday. I’m not 100% sure what constitutes a cozy winter read. Maybe that means stories taking place in winter wonderlands, or maybe just a story taking place at a particular time of year. I’m going to pick 5 books that just ‘feel’ like the kind of story good to read when it’s cold outside, but your reading spot is nice and warm.

The Warded Man by Peter V. Brett

Seems like I almost always read installments of this series in the winter, and maybe that’s what makes me think of cozy winter reads. Or maybe because it’s always talking about people warming themselves by one campfire or another.

Six of Crows book cover

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

This book often gave me the impression of cold and wet. In contrast, I never felt drier and warmer while reading.


The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

This one has so many moments to warm the heart, even if you read it in the dead of winter.

Wool by Hugh Howey

I can’t put my finger on why this one qualifies, but it just gives me that feeling.


Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

The holiday scenes always had a big impact on me. Here was this kid that had no one to spend his holidays with, so he stayed at school. Though to be honest, the lists of gifts he received each year made him seem completely spoiled. Then again, we’re talking about things like enchanted chess sets. How can that not seem like the coolest thing in the world?

Fun fact about this post: It’s cold, wet, and windy outside as I write this.