Talking About My WIP in GIFs

I was tagged by the talented Sophie @ Sophie’s Corner. I love reading AND writing, and her page has a great mix of both of those topics! Thanks for the tag, Sophie. This one is going to be a whole lot of fun!!

The Rules

• Thank the person who tagged you
• Credit the creator of this tag (Michelle!) and link back to this post so she can find out allll about your WIPs!
• Try to limit the amount of gifs you use per question – I’d say maybe stick to five or less but I’m not the boss of you

The Questions

Sum up your WIP in 4 gifs!

Time to introduce your main characters!



Kun Ma

Victor Eastman

How would your main character react in a crisis?

If you were to meet your main characters, how would you react?

And if you were to meet your antagonist?

Is there any romance in your WIP? How would you sum it up in gifs?

How do other characters feel about this ship?


Relationship? Where?


How do you want people to react to reading your WIP?

Fun fact about this post: I originally saw this over at Drizzle & Hurricane Books, and really wanted someone to tag me. Thanks again, Sophie!