Top 5 characters I want as a best friend

Top 5 Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Shanah @ The Bionic Book Worm. If you’re not into this, what are you waiting for? It is, without a doubt, my favourite meme.

Neanderthal a.k.a. Cliff Hubbard
Neanderthal Opens the Door to the Universe by Preston Norton

Best friend? More like hetero life mate. He does all my favourite things. Marathon watch movies and TV shows, play video games, read novels, and make fun of things that are stupid (and almost everything can be stupid when looked at from the right angle!)

The Red Rising Series by Pierce Brown

This guy might never be overflowing with compliments for his friends, but he’s fiercely loyal to them. Even after an argument that you might think is a friendship-ender, Sevro would have your back, whether you knew it or not.

The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater

This might be the toughest one on the list. I feel like I’d spend more time trying to guide and help him than hang our with him, but still, how cool would it be to have a friend who can dream things to life and deliver hilarious, yet cutting, insults at the same time?

Mark Watney
The Martian by Andy Weir

I haven’t even finished reading this yet and I want to be Mark’s buddy. Home repair question? “Hey, Mark. I’ve got a roll of duct tape, a couple of 2x4s, and a broken screwdriver. Fix my kitchen sink.” The only downside to a fried like Mark is how inadequate you’d feel when you get into conceptual conversations. And can you imagine going to a party with this guy? It’d be you and a few dozen ASTRONAUTS! “Oh, wow. You’ve all been to space, huh? I have a blog.”

Parzival a.k.a. Wade Watts
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

Oh, look. Joe found a way to get Ready Player One into another list. Honestly, I’ve been trying to use it a little less often lately, but I couldn’t leave Wade off of this list. He could hang with me and Neanderthal while we play video games and watch movies (maybe even at the same time) while we complain about how dumb we are compared to Mark and how Ronan needs saving AGAIN. And even though we forgot to invite Sevro (he wouldn’t come anyway) if the forces of evil tried to ambush our couch potato night, he’d be there to punch it in the face!

Fun fact about this post: I had to look up how to spell Maggie’s last name. I can’t seem to wrap my head about the i before e rule. Too many exceptions.