Top 5 Books for Gryffindors

Top 5 Tuesday, for the whole month of February, is Harry Potter themed. Each week will be a top 5 list for one of the houses. Week 1, Gryffindors. As stated by the Top 5 Tuesday Tycoon, The Bionic Bookworm:

They are experience oriented, honest, practical, blunt, passionate, playful, funny, trusting, idealistic, stubborn and procrastinators. They live in the moment, don’t take themselves seriously, are wary of manipulators and liars, have a strong moral centre, and are unafraid to seize opportunities and make changes.

Red Rising

In my mind, Gryffindors are all about bravery. The first in this series of heroic books is Red Rising. Darrow could have been in just about any house if he went to Hogwarts, but I think he’d end up in Gryffindor. And really, wouldn’t Gryffindors want to read books about people that would be Gryffindors?


Small band of rebels trying to take down a crooked system of power. Sounds a bit like Order of the Phoenix…

The Raven Cycle

I think Gryffindors would get into the mystery, intrigue, and strong relationships in these books.

Hunger Games

Trade the bow for a magic wand and you’ve got Hermione.

Lord of the Rings

Since Harry Potter takes place in our world, they have our books. And I’d like to think that most Hogwarts students have read Lord of the Rings and that most Gryffindor students aspire to be like Gandalf. Dumbledore certainly looks like he does.

Fun fact about this post: I almost spelled Dumbledore wrong, and spell check wasn’t about to help me.