Top 5 Books for Slytherins

It’s the final Tuesday of Harry Potter month for Shanah’s Top 5 Tuesday. Slytherins are last. Not sure if this is Shanah saving the best for last, or putting her least favourite house last.

While my own wife is Slytherin, these aren’t necessarily books for her as much as books for people that are ambitious, shrewd, cunning, and strong.

Six of Crows book cover

Six of Crows

If Kaz Brekker isn’t a Slytherin, then I don’t know who is. The green and silver might not appreciate all the moments where someone pulls some death defying feat for another’s safety, but they’d definitely appreciate Kaz.

Themis Files

Our narrator is pure Slytherin material. Don’t like him? He doesn’t care.

To Kill a Kingdom

Large parts of this book seems to be able people who are out for themselves.



If murder and assassination was a class at Hogwarts, it would be full of Slytherins (and one mis-understood Hufflepuff.)

How to Win Friends and Influence People

They might not be so worried about the friends part, but the rest, absolutely.

Fun fact about this post: J.K. Rowling claimed that as far as she was concerned, the legendary wizard Merlin would have been in Slytherin house.