Top 5 Tuesday – Books Starting with K-L-M-N-O

This week’s edition of Shanah’s Top 5 Tuesday is being brought to you by the number 5 and the letters K, L, M, N, and O. And I know what you’re thinking. Didn’t I use that joke last week? I sure did!



K – Kingdom Come by Mark Waid
(Illustrations by the legendary Alex Ross)

What? WHAT?! Are you telling me a graphic novel doesn’t count? How dare you. How DARE you! In a world where none of our superheroes has aged in 70 years, this is one of the few stories out there that explores, what would an aging Superman do? What happens when the Justice League qualifies for the senior discount. Great stuff. 

L – The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch

This one is a pretty fresh read, but I found it kicking me in the face with its unpredictability, brutality, and sentimentality with every chapter. It’s a MUST read. 

M – A Man Called Ove

Talk about fresh! This is only a few weeks old in my memory and I’m still smiling. 

 N – Neanderthal Opens the Door to the Universe


AND Nevernight by Jay Kristoff

This was a tough one. And for those of you screaming that comic books don’t count, picking 2 for N will bring the list back up to 5 books. 


O – On Writing by Stephen King

This probably doesn’t seem like a book for everyone at first, but it just might be. For people who are Stephen King fans, or those that just enjoy a good biography, the first half of the book is basically an auto-biography while the rest continues to sprinkle little bits of it here and there. 

Fun fact about this post: my brain is mostly dead. Give me a letter of the alphabet and I’ll tell you I haven’t read any books starting with that letter. Then I go on Goodreads and find I’ve read 25 books starting with that letter. Honestly. SMH