Legendary Contest

With the release of Living Legend approaching (September 19th) we’re getting into all kinds of preparation for the launch party. All of our efforts have been to make it something fun and entertaining for those who come out to support. This launch isn’t just for me. I want it to be for everyone.

The only thing I want for me is for people to show up and read the book.

For everyone else, we’ve been looking into snacks, drinks, entertainment, and prizes. We always seem to be looking for more. One more thing to add. One more reason to come out. One more thing to make this launch really cool. And I just recently came up with possibly the most unique one, and I needed to share.

Anyone who signs up for my mailing list at jwmartin.com will automatically be entered in a draw. The winner of the draw gets to name a character in an upcoming novel. You can use your own name, the name of a loved one, or just a name you really, really like.

This is NOT limited to those who come to the physical launch party. You can take part no matter where you are in the world. All you need is to access jwmartin.com.

The contest will run retroactively (so if you’ve already signed up, you’re already entered) and the draw will take place on Sunday, September 27th.

Good luck everyone!