Official Release Date & Cover Reveal

It’s finally here. Or at least it will be within a month.

Living Legend has received fairly consistent work for years. The original draft was started back in 2011. To be fair, it sat for a bit after that and wasn’t picked up again until 2013.

Even so, 2 years of waiting has been tough. Several drafts, alpha readers, more drafts, beta readers, another draft, hiring an editor, final changes, cover design, book layout, proofing, and it still doesn’t seem like my work is done, but it does feel like the book is ready; the best that it can be.

September 19, 2015 is the official date, and I couldn’t be more excited.

Those of you who follow my Facebook page may have already seen the book’s cover, but if you haven’t, this post mark’s the official reveal:



It’s nerve-wracking and will grow more and more so as the date approaches. This little project that I’ve been working on for so long, and love so much, is getting closer to being out in the world where people can say things like, “It sucks” and “I didn’t even bother finishing it.”

I’m not delusional. I know there are people who will say things like that, and worse. There’s a protective side we authors have that tries to come out at negative reactions. To the average reviewer, it’s just another book. To the author, it’s almost as precious as a family pet. It’s not just some words on a page, it’s a piece of me out there. People will be insulting a piece of me.

There are two solaces I can take in the situation. One is that I’ve heard/read that even the biggest authors in the industry still share this very same anxiety when their latest work is about to go on the market. With that being the case, these feelings can be filed under ‘natural’ and not given too much time and attention.

The second is that there will be other people who can’t stop raving about the book. They’ll write a great review and tell their friends about this great book they read. And those are the reactions writers live for.