This all seems so familiar (A to Z 2016)

A-Z Challenge

Close to this time last year, I posted about wanting to train myself to post more often on this very blog. With that thought, I took part in the A-Z Blog Challenge. I wanted to start and complete the challenge within the designated month, and I hoped the result would be more consistent posting afterwards.

Well… those are still things that I want, and the A-Z Challenge is upon us again!

If you’ve never heard of the A-Z challenge, it’s a blogging challenge that runs the month of April. Each day—excluding Sundays—a post is made with the subject starting with the letter of the day. April 1st is A, 2nd is B, etc, etc.

Also like last year, I’m late in announcing my theme. Mainly because I had a real hard time deciding what my theme was going to be.

Ned Stark Brace yourselves blog posts are coming

A part of me wanted to do something fiction based. I thought about a story where each day would be a scene from the perspective of a different character. The name of the character would correspond with the letter of the day.

I liked the idea, but it felt a little like cheating. It’s too simple to make a character’s name start with any letter I want. The challenge of posting every day would still be there, but the challenge of the theme wouldn’t exist.

One of my most recent obsessions kind of came out of nowhere and became one of my strongest obsessions. For the past two years, I’m considered myself a fully assimilated Whovian.

My 2016 A-Z Challenge theme is Doctor Who!