Gallifrey Falls No More

gallifrey returnsA-Z Challenge Badge GGallifrey is a planet located in the constellation of Kasterborous—which resides in the binary star system—and the home planet of the Time Lords.

In the original series, the Doctor travels back to his home world often. It’s exact existence is a bit cloudy since time travel was always used to get there, leaving it unknown whether the planet was in the past or the future in comparison to the Earth.

In the new series, some shit has gone down.

War doctor day of the doctor

I love buttons.

We find out about it in bits and pieces. Gallifrey is now a dead planet, but it takes a little while before we discover that it’s dead because of a war between the Daleks and the Time Lords.

The Doctor himself was the one who ended the war. He saw an opportunity to defeat the Daleks once and forever, but it meant the demise of his own people as well. A difficult decision, one that leaves the Doctor haunted throughout 7 seasons of the new series.

DayDoc1Enter special episode, The Day of the Doctor. The 10th and 11th Doctor meet through some kind of timey wimey wibbly wobbly vortex thing, and then we’re introduced to a new Doctor, referred to as the War Doctor. The War Doctor is the one that destroyed Gallifrey. Or so he thought.

thirteen doctors around gallifreyIn one of the greatest moments in all of Doctor Who, the three Doctors figure out a way to save Gallifrey by summoning every other Doctor from their separate timelines and gathering them, and even one future Doctor…

Thirteen Doctors, each with his own TARDIS, using their collective abilities, Gallifrey is hidden away into a pocket universe, escaping total destruction.

What’s your impression of Gallifrey? And is there any episode better than The Day of the Doctor?