The Impossible Girl

screen-shot-2015-08-18-at-5-07-31-pmA-Z Challenge Badge IThe Impossible Girl refers to the plucky companion otherwise known as Clara Oswin Oswald. She started out as the companion to a grieving (nearly emo) Tenth Doctor.

She continues to remain a companion through his regeneration into the twelfth and—at the time of writing this post—current Doctor.

What makes her impossible? Excellent question. I’m glad I thought of it.


Where does she get the milk?

We first meet Clara in Asylum of the Daleks. She’s trapped inside, but has made a comfortable little home and assumed almost total control of the facilities computer functions, all while trying to master soufflés.

By the end of the episode we learn she’s been a Dalek the whole time without realizing it. She’s dead, and had been for a long time.


It’s smaller on the outside…

Next time we see her, it’s 1842 and Snowmen are coming to life, but aren’t interested in singing songs and hopping on a train.

The Doctor shows up to help, but had been travelling alone for six months due to his depression over the loss of Amy Pond. Clara shows up and appears determined to help the Doctor despite his objections. Since he never saw what she looked like in the asylum, it’s only when he discovers her name that he becomes both puzzled and intrigued. It’s short lived, since she died shortly after winning the Doctor over.

A mere episode later, we find Clara in our present time. She’s a nanny and quite bored. You’re probably getting the point by now.

In a great episode, Name of the Doctor, we finally get some answers.

DoctorWhoTrenzaloreTimestreamThey travel to a planet called Trenzalore, where the Doctor will eventually die, and find a future version of the TARDIS. Inside, the console has been replaced by a column of bright white lite. The time stream. An enemy, known as the Great Intelligence, jumps into the timestream claiming it will undo all the Doctor’s history. Clara throws herself in right after.

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“Don’t take that one…”

In a great montage, we get to see Clara interact with every version of the Doctor. Each time, saving him, even though she remains unseen to all but the 1st.

The Doctor had been saved many times, but is this the greatest? If not, which save was the best?