TARDIS, the Mad Man’s Box

maxresdefaultA-Z Challenge Badge TTARDIS. Time And Relative Dimensions In Space, or Totally And Radically Driving In Space. The latter came from a recent episode with the Twelfth Doctor, so there’s probably zero truth to it.

Basically, it’s a blue box that the Doctor flies around in. It looks like a police call box. For those of us that aren’t familiar with older British police issue, it looks like a fat phone booth without windows.

However, that’s just the outside. The inside is much more different…and much bigger.
maxresdefault-1In fact, most characters seeing the TARDIS for the first time remark, “it’s bigger on the inside.” Except for Clara Oswald who said, “it’s smaller on the inside.” She is the impossible girl after all.

The TARDIS is capable of moving through time and/or space. It’s power source has been called many things-the time vortex, the matrix, the eye of harmony-but just think of it as being powered by the purest form of time.

While it’s a machine capable of many wonders, it doesn’t always seem to do what the Doctor wants. It’s common for episodes to start with the Doctor observing he’s in the wrong place and/or time.
E6HuPqAOn more than one occasion it’s been shown to have some sentience of its own. It seems to answer distress calls and puts the Doctor where he’s needed instead of where he wants to go.

Despite its quirks and the fact that it probably needs some very specific upkeep, I want one. Who’s with me?