Top 5 Male Leads

This was a lot harder to narrow down to 5 than I thought it would be! Just a warning to all Potterheads: I left Harry out the running. Not because he’s not a great lead—he absolutely is—it just felt like such an obvious choice that it would be like telling you all that the sky is blue, water is wet, and french fries are delicious.

This Top 5 Tuesday meme is hosted by the Bionic Bookworm. I’d tell you to go follow her blog, but let’s face it, you already are!


The only book I’ve read so far where the narrator is a dog, and it left a deep impression on me. I don’t think any character could be as caring and as loyal as a canine narrator. Endlessly selfless, unconditionally loving, and completely adorable!

Larry Underwood

Stephen King’s The Stand is a sprawling book with dozens of characters, and more than one of them could be considered a main. So, why did I choose Larry? Most of the characters in The Stand walk this path that starts at human being and ends at near sainthood. They all become leaders of men, willing to give their lives for what’s right. They become morally perfect. I think I might be looking for the term ‘goody-two-shoes.’ Not good old Larry. Sure, he grows, but at the end of the story he’s still recognizable as Larry Underwood. Fun-loving, guitar playing, not-always-making-the-best-decision Larry!

Arlen Bales

In a world where everyone is terrified of the demons that rise from the Earth’s core each night, Arlen is the only one who wants to fight; and he starts doing it when he’s still a boy. In the first book of the Demon Cycle, The Warded Man, we get to watch Arlen in his quest for ways to fight, and kill, demons. In that search he goes from barely surviving to becoming a killing machine.

Wade ‘Parzival’ Watts

He’s the kind of guy you can relate to. You probably know someone just like him and you can’t help pulling for him to win in every possible way. When someone messes with him, it’s like someone’s messing with your kid brother, or your best friend. Wonderfully flawed, and always interesting, Wade fights for the everyman; especially those of us that grew up in the 80s.

Tyler Durden

His name is Tyler Durden and, as crazy as he is, you can’t help but buy what he’s selling. He makes you rethink your whole world and face the truths that you’ve known all along, but chose to ignore. Do we own too many things that no one needs? Of course, but who doesn’t love things? Should everyone’s credit be set back to zero? Yes, please! Do we all really just need a good punch in the face? Not sure about that one. I can think of a few people, for sure. The man’s means are a little unorthodox, but you can’t argue with his vision.

How did I do with my list? Who’d I leave off that you think should be there?

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