I messed up my Tuesday post!

So… because I can’t read a schedule, I posted next week’s Top 5 Tuesday today.

The whole of the internet started to buckle. It was close to imploding, but then I took the post down and everything righted itself. Disaster avoided, mostly. A few people still saw next week’s post a little early. Like the kid who finds his presents before Christmas, they will forever be robbed of the pleasant surprises next week holds.

THIS WEEK was supposed to be Top 5 Spooky Books. However, I don’t usually read books that I would consider spooky and I don’t think I could fill out a top 5. Still, being that it’s October, I will recommend ONE book you should read this month.

HEX by Thomas Olde Heuvelt

You can read my full review here. It’s just a great book with some real creepy vibes, and a story that was really, really well told. Seems like a perfect October read, in my eyes.

Sorry about the mix up. I’ll try to learn how to read a schedule between now and next week. Maybe there’s an online class I can take or something…

Fun fact about this post: It shouldn’t exist!