Look Who Else is Doing NaNo! – NaNoWriMonday – Week 2

I’ve known I was going to NaNo this year since finishing NaNo last year! But this is the first year I’m doing it while consistently posting on the old web log.

Originally, I wasn’t sure about doing a weekly NaNo post. I mean, it’s mostly a reading blog. Would people be annoyed that I was suddenly talking about writing? To be fair, the two are pretty closely related, but you get my point.

Yes, I’m comparing a writing post to lighting a match on my own teeth. Pretty similar, really. #rebel

I did it anyway (cause I’m a rebel like that) and then something great happened. I started to see NaNo posts popping up all over the place from other book bloggers that were trying their hand at NaNo, some as veterans and some as rookies.

So who else is doing NaNo?

The Orangutan Librarian is doing a modified version of NaNo with the third installment of a dystopian fantasy trilogy.

Eden @ Thrice Read had a slow start, but last I checked she was picking up steam.

Also @ Thrice Read, Jenn is making a second ever attempt.

Amanda @ Literary Weaponry is making her first.

Super-powered blogger Lia @ Lost in a Story is struggling with her motivation, but still going strong!

Kyera @ Kyera’s Library is taking part and says that she’s “excited and terrified at the same time.” Lol. Been there. Know the feeling.

meltingpotsandothercalamities is making another attempt and has a really interesting premise cooked up.

And for those that need a little inspiration on their NaNoWriMo journey, enjoy this post @ By Hook or By Book.

Almost forgot to give an update on my word count. As of Sunday at midnight, I’m at 18,101. By the daily target, I’m supposed to be at 20,000, so I’m a little behind, but I’m not worried about it yet.

If you’re taking part in NaNoWriMo this year, and I don’t have you listed, let me know in the comments and I’ll add you to the growing list of NaNo’s! Good luck everyone!

Fun fact about this post: I’d be much further ahead with NaNoWriMo word count if I didn’t make this post (but I wouldn’t trade it, or any of my posts, for another few hundred words!)