There Really are Readers Out There!

I’ve had a blog for quite some time, but for most of that time it really had no direction. Most days I didn’t know what to post about, so a lot of days went by without posting anything.

Sure, there are plenty of topics in the world to post about, but I didn’t feel like I was qualified to run with any of them. Is starting something and then never finishing a topic? I could do that. Well, I could start it…

Then I discovered my cousin’s blog. The Bionic Bookworm. She’s always been one of the most voracious readers I know, so it wasn’t a complete surprise to see that she had made her blog a bookish one. And if you haven’t seen her blog, or don’t follow it, go now. Don’t even finish reading this, just go. (Okay, maybe finish this post, then go)

I fell into a rabbit hole of book blogs. The more I found, the more I looked for. It was stoking the flames of something that had dwindling recently, and that was my love of reading. I was getting boom recommendations by the truck load. My ‘To Be Read’ swelled up like a hotdog that’s been microwaved way too long.

Blogs like the aforementioned Bionic Book Worm, I Should Read That, My Bookish Life, Too Much of a Book Nerd, Sherlocked in a Tardis with Ron, and Kristin Kraves Books. Those are just a few. Really, there are just too many to list.

Truthfully, I don’t think my blog will ever be strictly a book blog. Compared to some of the blogs I’ve been following, I don’t read nearly enough, and I couldn’t do nearly as good a job reviewing books. Plus, I like to digress into movies, writing, or some long-winded post about Doctor Who that would serve as a cure for even the worst insomnia.

I will, however, plant one foot in the bookish blog world for as long as the true book bloggers will allow it.

At the end of this long-winded thought train is my original point to post. As a writer, I couldn’t be happier to find so many people out there reading. Reports claim that there has been a gradual, but consistent, decline in readership over the last five years or so.

With those numbers out there, it’s good to see book blogs out there doing their best to keep something so important alive. They aren’t just reading, they’re spreading it around and infecting others with the desire to read like little literary zombies. Go get ‘em.

Do you have a book blog? Plug it in the comments below, or tell us about your favorite book blog. I’m always looking to follow a few more!