Top 5 books that have been on my TBR the longest

My name is Joe, and I am a TBR addict.

I love adding books to that growing list, and I mostly hate taking them off (unless it’s because I read a book.) Most of these books will probably still be on my list in a year’s time because that’s the level of evil I am when it comes to my TBR. Here are the 5 that have been on that list the longest.

This week’s top 5, hosted by the wise and talented Bionic Bookworm, is the top 5 books that have been on my TBR the longest.

American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis

American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis

White Walls by H.M.C.

White Walls by H.M.C.

Sand by Hugh Howey

the princess bride

The Princess Bride by William Goldman

Legion by Brandon Sanderson

Fun fact about this post: I did get part way through Legion, but dropped it. Not because of the book itself, but due to other life circumstances and fully intend on picking it back up.