100 Followers! Thank-you! Thank-you!

My blog has existed long before I jumped into the book blogosphere. However, back then I didn’t really know what I was doing—as opposed to now where I BARELY know what I’m doing. I had maybe a dozen email followers, but no daily traffic to speak of.

Then I started talking to Shanah. Yes, the Bionic Bookworm. What she was doing (and still does) seemed like so much fun. It was admirable. I didn’t know anyone else who was doing anything like it, and the whole thing revolved around one of my favorite subjects in the world: Books.

At that point, I thought I’d only post a few times a week. One minimum, three maximum. But then someone likes your post, and another person comments, and then addiction sets in. I’m still not a daily poster, but it’s not for lack of desire. Some weeks I just don’t have much to post about while staying entertaining. Sure, I could do a big long post about my dog and all the different reasons he whines at me in the course of a day, but I don’t want to write that. And if I don’t want to write it, who the heck is going to want to read it? No one. Except my mom.

I owe a massive debt of gratitude to everyone who found my random musings interesting enough to follow this blog. The space I occupy in your daily feed is not something I plan to take for granted. But as long as you’re willing to read my ramblings, I’ll keep writing them.

Fun fact about this post: There was a time, not too long ago, when I thought I’d NEVER get to 100 followers. Now I’ll start thinking I’ll never get 200!