The Listicle Tag – Books I’d like to re-write

Ally tagged me on this one, and since she’s accepted the last few I’ve sent her way, I owe her a tag or two.


  • Create your own listicle tag, using the prompt from the person who tagged you.
  • Tag the creator of the post (not-so-modern-girl!) so that she can read all your brilliant posts and see how the joy of listicles is being spread.
  • Nominate as many people as you want!
  • Set those 5 people the subject/prompt of their listicle post!

My prompt: Books you’d like to rewrite (any number of books!)

Well, let’s see now…

Lock In by John Scalzi

I’m still determined to try some other Scalzi novels. Based on what people say about him, and the kinds of books he writes, it sounds like he should be one of my favourite authors, but this one missed the mark for me. It seemed like such an amazing premise and then he spends most of the book practically ignoring that premise. Okay, not really ignoring it. But I just thought it should have been so much more prominent.

Pet Sematary by Stephen King

While I haven’t read his entire works, I wouldn’t hesitate to call myself a Stephen King fan. Pet Sematary made me mad, though. It did an excellent job of building toward an ending that was going to blow me away, and then the ending was about a page long. To call it anti-climatic is too generous. I’d call it a knife in the reading enjoyment spleen! It was trolling before trolling was a thing.

Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson

DON’T KILL ME! Re-write is too strong a word on this one. Edit would be more accurate. I don’t want to change the story at all. Though I would cut the majority of the pages (and pages and pages) where Hiro talks about ancient civilizations and their religions and how they were all similar to computer code. Sure, it had to be said once or twice, but I felt like I was beat over the head with it until I lost all meaning. I don’t mean just of that concept. I lost all meaning. I had to go all the way back to the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

I nominate: Grace, Elizabeth, and Shanah

And my prompt for you is: Best Books to Give as Gifts This Holiday Season

Fun fact about this post: 42