Winter is Here Write Tag

Big ups to Sophie Li for tagging me on this one. I can always count on her to think of me when something writerly comes up. She also does a lot of awesome reader-based posts, so check out her blog.
Also, credits to Kat @ Life and Other Disasters for creating this awesome tag.

* Thank the person who tagged you but also link back to the original post!
* Provide a short description of your WIP/story!
* Don’t use the same character for more than 3 answers!

The Quick & Dirty:


In the not-too-distant future the most popular vacation is not a where, it’s a who. Vicarious Vacationers can step into another person’s body for a week, controlling their actions, seeing what they see, tasting what they taste, and experiencing whatever pleasures they desire without any of the consequences.

Eric Wikstrom is the most desired asset in the entire industry, until someone uses him to assassinate a Senator. Without any proof that he wasn’t in control of his actions, he’s forced to run from the law and from those that would prefer to see a loose end taken care of. His only hope is the radical group Firsthand Dissent, but they’re known to be violent with a fervent hate for everything vicarious.

Which protagonist is most likely to break into Christmas song first?
Bonus: What song?

Lucy Farhall. She’s somewhat of a tech genius, and definitely the most light-hearted of all the members of the Dissent.

Her song would be The Most Wonderful Time of the Year. A song that she’s likely to sing and mean about any time of the year.

It’s the first snow of the season, who would immediately book a ticket to a hot beach location?

Eric. He probably even has the Winters booked off in his asset contract so he can do just that.

Which character believed in Santa (or a mystical equivalent) for the longest time?

Brock Palamo. As fellow asset and Eric’s best friend, Brock’s used to playing things by the book. His parents were authority figures. What they said was gospel.

Who is most likely to build a blanket fort and go into hibernation with books, Netflix and tea/hot cocoa/coffee?

Kevin Sims. Given the choice, that’s how he’d spend his entire life. People were for the birds… or… other people. Not him.

Who would be the first to start a snowball fight and then get really competitive about it?

Kate Osborne or Markus Valke. Kate is one of the key members of the Dissent, handing all of their operations, and Valke is the head of a mercenary crew. Neither backs down, and both believes themselves the better strategist. Have you ever seen a snowball fight to the death? Get these two going and you just might.

Who buys their Christmas presents super last minute?

Eric, again. That’s assuming that he’d be the one buying the gifts at all. He’s probably more likely to pay some kind of shopping service to do all of that for him.

There’s a local snowman competition, who would be the best sculptor? What would they build?

Hmmm… that’s a tough one. Probably Gerald Wikstrom, Eric’s eccentric father. And he’d probably build a model of the human brain with 100% accurate cranial nerves made out of carrots.

If someone were to organize a Secret Santa event, who would it be?

This would be Lucy again. Unfortunately for her, she’d end up being the only one to actually buy a gift for someone, as no one else would take part.

Someone refuses to leave the house unless strictly necessary because of the cold. Who is it?

This is Kevin Sims again. He refuses to leave the house unless necessary in any climate/temperature.

Who puts style before comfort and would rather freeze in fashionable clothes than be warm but not on trend?

Once again, this one goes to shallow Eric.

I tag the following awesome peeps:

Amanda @ Literary Weaponry

MN Bernard

James @ This is My Truth Now

Telling Stories Together