The NaNoWriMo 20 Questions Tag!

The NaNoWriMo 20 Questions Tag!

NaNoWriMo is just around the corner, and I’m SO excited. Coming off of last year’s “win”, I’m also feeling quite optimistic about it. And thanks to Sophie @ Sophie’s Corner I can let a little of that excitement leak out with this tag. Enjoy!


  1. Thank the awesome blogger who tagged you!
  2. Link back to the creator of this tag, Sophie @ Sophie’s Corner. (I want to hear about your NaNo novels!!)
  3. Feel free to use the NaNoWriMo 20 Questions Tag graphics!
  4. Answer the questions.
  5. Tag some friends who are also doing NaNo this year.
  6. And have fun!!!

Tell me about your NaNoWriMo project this year! Give me a blurb!

Hmmm. I usually don’t come up with the blurb until the end, but let’s give this a shot.

A serial killer is loose in a small town and his motive goes far beyond riches, fame, or revenge. The Darwin Killer picks victims with weak genes. Defects, genetic time bombs, and any kind of disease that can spread biologically or socially. There’s no line this monster won’t cross and it’s up to Special Agent Miles Wallace to catch the killer or only the strongest will survive.

What’s the genre?


Describe your MC in three words.

Expert, confrontational, grieving. 

Without spoilers, describe your villain in three words.

Self-righteous, brilliant, monstrous.

What is your goal? (the traditional 50K? 20K? 5K? or……. 100K?)

The classic 50k!

Is this your first draft? Second? Third?

Blank page, draft 1. It’s been a while since I’ve been in the first draft of something! (probably about a year)

Are you starting a new project (or draft), or continuing an existing one?

Brand new. The idea has been with me for a while, but I’ve never written anything beyond the outline.

What is your favourite time to write in the day?

I’m a night owl. I’ve tried getting up early and I just can’t function, let alone put a sentence together.

Where are you going to write?

Probably at my kitchen table. Maybe on the couch (yes, in front of the TV) if I’m ahead of my word count.

Computer or paper?

Computer all the way. I used to outline on paper, but found so many good ideas hit me when I least suspected and moved everything to digital formats.

NaNoWriMo is a huge commitment!! How are you going to make time to write?

Less sleep. lol. Seriously. Once the kids are in bed, the dog is walked, and lunches are packed, that’s when I’ll sit down to write.

Are you going to participate in local or online NaNoWriMo events? (e.g. kick-off parties in your city, write-ins, virtual writing sprints…)

Probably not. I always say I’m going to, and I really do want to, but the timing just never seems to work out.

Do you write from beginning to end or skip around?

I’m very linear. I can write a scene knowing it might move to another place in the book, but I can’t jump around much more than that.

Planner or pantser? (or plantser?)

Planner. That doesn’t mean unplanned scenes won’t pop up or that I won’t follow one of my characters down a rabbit hole. That usually happens at least a few times. (does that make me a plantser?)

What will be your go-to NaNoWriMo snack?

Left over halloween candy. My wife and I buy always buy WAY TOO MUCH knowing that we’ll need the sugar boost for all those late nights.

Choice of caffeine? (or no caffeine?)

Pepsi or Dr. Pepper.

Any rewards for milestone achievements? For finishing NaNoWriMo?

No. I just get pumped about having a big word count. I usually tell myself I’ll buy a winner’s t-shirt, but I’ve only bought one out of the three times I “won.”

Share a tip for other NaNo-ers!

Just do a little every day. Even if you don’t have time to hit your daily target, write every single day. Even if it’s just a little.

How are you feeling about NaNoWriMo? (Excited?! Nervous!? Terrified?!)

Excited! I’m always pumped this time of year. I wish I could write 50K every month!

Share an aesthetic for your NaNoWriMo novel!

If you’re doing NaNoWriMo this year and you want to give this tag a try, consider yourself tagged!!

Fun fact about this post: Normally, I’m not a fan of these types of novels, but I can’t get this story out of my head!