The Unique Blogger Award

Isn’t ‘unique’ a nice way of saying weird? One of my favourite bloggers, Kiersten @ Once Upon a Spine nominated me for the Unique (Weird) Blogger Award. So thank you, Kiersten. I find you to be Unique as well! Go give her a follow if you like humorous book-related posts with the occasional life rant.

The Rules:

  • Share the link of the blogger who has shown love to you by nominating you
  • Answer the questions
  • In the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our blogging family, nominate 8-13 people for the same award
  • Ask them 3 questions

If you were to choose a different topic/theme for your blog, what would it be?

That’s a tough one. I can talk a lot about video games, but I’m too cheap to buy games when they first come out. So I don’t imagine I’d be very relevant. Movies is another one I can talk a lot about, but I don’t have time to see the latest movies, so again, relevance. I’d have to go with writing. I already post the occasional writing post, so maybe that’s a cheater’s answer. Deal with it.

If you could befriend any author in real life, who would you choose? Why?

Someone with a lot of pull with their publisher so they can get me published? Lol. I think I’d pick Chuck Wendig because he’s a good storyteller. He could tell me about going to the store for milk and I’d be on the edge of my seat. Plus, he’s really, really funny. So I could just sit in his living room, drink beer and giggle.

What’s the weirdest blog post you’ve ever written?

Shower Thought – A Toy Story
Those words probably shouldn’t even go together, but they did. Strange post, but it’s still a very good point, so I stand by it.

My questions:

If you had to blog about another topic, what it be? (totally stole this question from Kiersten)

If you can have anyone (living or dead) provide you with a guest blog post, who would you choose?

You get one superpower. What will it be?

I nominate:

Norah @ Bookish Fever

Dani @ Touch my Spine

Steph @ Lost: Purple Quill

CJR The Brit

Jason A. Meuschke

No pressure, as usual.

Fun fact about this post: This is the first of TWO award nominations for me this week. It is award season, after all.
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