Top 5 books that lived up to the hype – Top 5 Tuesday

This week on Shanah’s Top 5 Tuesday, we’re having a look at the Top 5 books that lived up to their hype. Not all of them do, but there’s a reason these books get hyped up in the first place. I have a bunch of books on my shelf that are over-flowing with hype, but I haven’t gotten around to a lot of them. So this week’s list is actually kind of tough for me. But I’ll give it a whirl!

Harry Potter

I didn’t pick up the first HP book until the 4th or 5th was already out. The movies had begun, so the hype machine was in full effect. Was not let down at all.



I read this one on hype alone. I didn’t even read the synopsis, and I can’t wait to read the rest of the series!

Six of Crows book cover

Six of Crows

This was the first hyped book I read after entering the book blogging community. I didn’t even know there was much hype behind it at the time. The Bionic Bookworm recommended it, I read it, I loved it. It was only then that I saw how hyped it truly was!

Ready Player One

This one wasn’t hyped when I read it, and I’m still not sure that it’s as hyped as it deserves, but everyone should read it.

Red Rising

Same reasons as Ready Player One.

Fun fact about this post: It made me realize how much reading I have to do! Sitting on my bookself is Gemina, Warcross, Invictus, Nevernight, and A Darker Shade of Magic! TALK ABOUT HYPE!