Top 5 authors I want to meet!

Top 5 authors I want to meet?! Are you kidding me, Shanah?! I have to pick 5! This is worse than the time you asked me to pick my 5 favorite book covers. How on Earth am I supposed to pick? I’ll do 10, not that it’s going to make it that much easier! AND, to narrow it down further, I’ll stick to living authors.

Chuck Palahniuk

His books are delightfully dysfunctional. I get the impression that the man’s brain runs on a kind of genius that the rest of us just can’t comprehend.

Stephen King

He’s a legend. And while I haven’t read his entire catalog, you can’t ignore the footprint he’s left in the literary world.

Ernest Cline

Just for Ready Player One alone. We could sit and have a few beers and just throw pop culture references back and forth for infinity hours.

J.K. Rowling

She’s on everyone’s list, right?

Brandon Sanderson

I’m just starting to get into his books, but I’ve been listening to his writing podcast for years.

V.E. Schwab

I just want to bask in pure creative genius. Just to see what it’s like.

Pierce Brown

I’d shake his hand, tell him how nice it is to meet him, and then yell at him for wasting his time talking to me when he should be at home writing! I need more Darrow in my life!

Neil Gaiman

The guy has written just about every medium that’s out there and excelled at it. Do you think he’d consider writing my obituary?

Chuck Wendig

This is another that I’ve only started getting into his books, but I’ve been reading his blog since forever. I get the impression that I wouldn’t stop giggling the entire time we spoke.

George R. R. Martin

If only to tell him to hurry up and to threaten violence (not really) if he kills off my favorite characters.

Fun fact about this post: I’ve never had so many brain farts while writing a single post. I forgot first names, last names, how to spell names. It was terrible. My wife might have to put me in a home.