Top 5 characters that would win the show Survivor

Top 5 Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Shanah the Bionic Bookworm. Each week, we discuss 5 books (or at least something bookish.) If you haven’t been taking part, what’s going on? Are you against fun? Are you punishing yourself for something?

This week, we’re talking about the top 5 characters that would win the show Survivor. Remember Survivor? Or is that still a thing? I watched the first season, and then I was done. But anyway, I guess this list should be people that can eat bugs, survive on an island, and stab the other contestants in the back at the most beneficial time. Shouldn’t be too hard.

Six of Crows book cover

Kaz Brekker

I’m going to call it right now, Kaz shows up on more T5T lists than any other character. If he doesn’t already have a plan to win the entire thing, even if things didn’t go as planned and he kept finding himself on the losing end, he’s like a cockroach that just won’t be squished.


Kady Grant

Resilient AF.

Darrow of Lykos

Not even death can bend Darrow to his will.

Katniss Everdeen

She wouldn’t even want to win, but somehow she’d still do it.

Severus Snape

I don’t think anyone would even see Severus working behind the scenes until the final elimination. The other final contestant—hell, even the host of the show—would be like, “He’s still in the game? I thought he was gone in the first week.” But, no. He’s been in the deepest part of the island jungle, surviving on almost nothing at all, and pulling everyone’s strings.

Fun fact about this post: I feel like I should have said Mark Watney, but I haven’t read The Martian… YET!