The Unique Blogger Award

Thanks goes to Jillian The Bookish Butterfly for nominating me for this award. And an extra thanks for coming up with interesting questions that I really had to think about…

Who was your first book boyfriend/girlfriend?

Oh, jeez. I have no idea. If comic books count, it would have Mary Jane Watson from Spiderman. If not… I’d have to say Egwene al’Vere from the Wheel of Time series. But that was only for the first book. We didn’t last… It wasn’t her. It was me.


What is the most disappointing book you’ve read so far in 2018?

It would have to be Dayfall by Michael David Ares. I really wanted to like this book. I was really excited about the premise, but the book as a whole just wasn’t there for me.

If you could name your son or daughter after a fictional character, who would it be and why?

So many great options. Smeagol, Nymphadora, Katniss, Sookie. Honestly, how could I possibly choose just one? I’ve never considered naming either of my kids after anything, whether it was a fictional character, favourite actor, musician, etc, etc. Though my son, who’s 6, has a girl in his class named Renesmee.

I Nominate:

Samantha @ The Modern Witch’s Bookshelf (told you!)

Kiersten @ Once Upon a Spine

Kristin @ Kristin Kraves Books

Nicki @ The Secret Library

Priyasha @ Books and Co.

Brittany @ Perfectly Tolerable

Lauren @ Books are Only the Beginning

And of course… Nina @ The Cozy Pages

As always, none of you should feel obligated (except Nina)

My Questions:

  1. You’re being blackmailed by an evil overlord to pull off the heist of the century. You need to assemble a crew who can pull off the heist and thwart the overlord at the same time. Who do you choose? (curveball: can only pick ONE character from each book world)
  2. A book mashup you’d love to see. (example: Harry Potter meets The Illuminae Files)
  3. If you could only read books from five authors for the rest of your life. Who do you choose?

Fun fact about this post: I have NO idea if I spelled Renesmee properly and neither does spellcheck.