Top 5 Character Driven Books

It’s Tuesday! Do you know what that means? It’s time for another one of Shanah’s Top 5 Tuesday posts! What are we talking about this week? Character driven books. Plot is secondary, and sometimes not needed at all.


Neanderthal Opens the Door to the Universe & They Both Die at the End

These two are probably on my list because I read them very recently and they both blew me and my expectations away.


The Old Man and the Sea & The Catcher in the Rye

Classics both. It’s hard to even explain to someone why they should read either of these books. Trying to summarize them won’t make anyone want to read them, and then if you keep trying to explain them, you’ll start to wonder why you ever read them in the first place.


Highly entertaining. It’s one of the first books I can remember reading with a really unique voice.

Fun fact about this post: Too tired. Can’t think of anything funny.