Top 5 books that made me laugh

It’s my first Top 5 Tuesday in a few weeks, and it’s a great one to come back on. As someone who takes in a lot of comedy in many, many different mediums, I dig doing a list of the top 5 books to make me laugh!

Neanderthal Opens the Door to the Universe

Very recent, and very funny. Recommend to everyone on the planet.


This was one of the first ‘funny’ books that I ever read. I fell in love with it and went searching for more.

Illuminae Files

I’ve only read the first two of the trilogy, but they’re brimming with LOL moments.

Catch 22

A lot of strange stuff going on in this book, and most of it funny. There’s also some real wisdom hidden in among the funnies, too.

Hitchhiker’s Guide

Even the fact that the series is referred to as “A Trilogy in Five Parts” tells you this is going to be some very funny stuff. And it is. My particular favourite might have to be the alien that flies around the universe confronting beings on an alphabetical list and telling them they’re stupid.

P.S. Top 5 Tuesday is my favourite weekly meme and it’s hosted by Shanah the Bionic Book Worm.

Fun fact about this post: Hitting save and going to bed. So tired that I—zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz