The Wednesday Writing Post | #slacking

I don’t talk about my writing very often on this old web log. I think mainly because my friends who like to read about books don’t want to her me whine about imaginary people they can’t read about even if they wanted to (and they probably don’t want to.) However, I’m hoping you’ll all put up with me occasionally posting about this thing called writing, which is really just me going to my own little world to make pretend.

And since I don’t talk about writing much, I don’t even think I’ve mentioned that I’ve self-published 2 novels, but I have. I only say that now to get to the point of this post: Facebook recently told me it’s been 3 years since I published my last novel.

Facebook probably meant its ‘reminders’ thing to be fun. A nice walk down memory lane. But in this case it just served to remind me how much I’ve been slacking in my writing. While I don’t intend to do any more self-publishing (it’s very time consuming) it’s still been 3 years since I had a finished manuscript to do anything with.

To be fair, I am close to a ‘final’ draft of something now, but I’ve been close for a year a half. It’s like I tripped at the finish line, but instead of scrambling back to my feet I just decided to take a nap. A nap that turned into a coma. Now I’m waking up with long fingernails and a beard to my waist amazed that life has been moving forward without me.

It’s not all bad, though. The realization of my slacking has a lit a fire under my butt. Is it time for writing daily? Why, yes. I believe it is. In fact, I’m hoping that in the next week or so, I’ll be able to put up a writing (yup, ANOTHER one. Sorry!) telling everyone that I’ve completed the draft and have started querying literary agents!

Here’s hoping there’s nothing else to trip on in my path.

Fun fact about this post: Remember yesterday when I mentioned a new kind of post coming to the blog? This isn’t it. That’s still coming.