The Halloween Creatures Book Tag

The Evil forces that rule Halloween really wanted me to do this tag.

Sam @ Modern Witch’s Bookshelf tagged me, and I swear I was already planning on doing it! But the evil forces don’t put all their eggs in one basket. I was tagged again by The Orang-utan Librarian just to make sure I got the message. Thank you for the tags. OK, evil spirits, I’m all over it.

• Answer all prompts.
• Answer honestly.
• Tag 1-13 people.
• Link back to this post.
• Remember to credit the creator. (Anthony @ Keep Reading Forward)
• Have fun!


Witch: A magical character or book

I just finished Grim Lovelies, so it’s super fresh in my mind. With elements of Harry Potter and Cinderella (yet still standing completely on its own) this one was a magical adventure worth every minute.


Werewolf: The perfect book to read at night

Nevernight? I don’t know. I very rarely get time to read during the day, so every time I read, It’s at night.


Frankenstein: A book that truly shocked you

Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson starts out making your mouth fall open and your eyes go wide. And that’s just in the PROLOGUE!!


The Devil: A dark or evil character

Dolores Umbridge is detestable is just about every way. One of the little talks between Harry and Voldemort should have been Voldey saying: “I know I want to take over the world and enslave pretty much everyone on the planet, but that Dolores is a bitch, isn’t she? Just not a nice person.” Seriously. Have you ever seen someone enjoy the suffering of other more than her?


Grim Reaper: A character that never should have died

NO SPOILERS, but I’ll say it happened in Morning Star by Pierce Brown. Those who have read it know who I’m talking about.


Zombie: A book that made you hungry for more

To Kill a Kingdom. As it stands, it’s a one-shot. In a world of trilogies, this amazing book comes along and says, “That’s all you get.” That’d be like going to a concert, and this incredible band hits the stage and belts out one of the best songs you’ve ever heard and then says, “That’s it for us. Good night!


Gargoyle: A character that you would protect at all cost

Enzo from The Art of Racing in the Rain. What can I say? I love dogs. And they need saving more than most humans. There are so many dangers lurking. People, other dogs, cars, and chocolate.


Vampire: A book that sucked the life out of you

The Graveyard Book made me want to curl up in bed. It still kind of does.


Ghost: A book that still haunts you

Hex! The stuff the Black Rock Witch does is bad enough. But it’s the things that you realize about the people that really sticks with you.


Demon: A book that really scared you

The Ice Man: Confessions of a Mafia Contract Killer. There isn’t much that scares me, but this non-fiction told me of all kinds of things that actual people have done to actual people. Knowing the kinds of things that real humans are capable of is terrifying.

I am Number Four 

Skeleton: A character you have a bone to pick with

John/Number 4. STOP WHINING! Seriously, bro. I don’t even know what else to say. Just stop.


Mummy: A book you would preserve throughout time

Ready Player One. You knew I was going to put it in this list somewhere! Preserving RPO wouldn’t just be protecting one of my favourite stories ever, but also lots of pop culture from the decade of my birth. Seems worthwhile.


Creepy Doll: A cover too scary to look at

I was going to go with The Vivisector but I didn’t want people vomiting while reading my blog. So, as a close second, I’ll go with Despair. Creepy AF. 


Seeing that Halloween is TODAY, I’m not going to tag anyone and me them feel like they have mere hours to pull a post together, even if it was a really fun one!

Fun fact about this post: Seriously. If you want to see a creepy, cringe-worthy cover: The Vivisector. It’s very disturbing.