Top 5 books I almost DNF’d, but now I’m in love with!

It’s VERY rare for me to DNF a book. And the times I’ve been tempted to, but still trudge through, I rarely end up feeling anything but resentment for that particular book. 

That being said, I only have two submissions for this week’s Top 5 Tuesday, hosted by Shanah the Bionic Bookworm.

The Raven Boys

The first time I started reading this, I had all kinds of trouble visualizing things. I couldn’t figure out what anything or anyone looked like, and honestly, because I hadn’t read a lot about the premise, I couldn’t even figure out what time period I was supposed to be reading about. For some reason, the cover gave me the impression that it would be set way in the past instead of current day. I put it aside and came back to it a month later. Second time was much better and I burned through the entire series!

Red Rising

I’ve always acknowledged that the beginning is kind of hard to get through. It was almost the end of my reading. I didn’t intentionally put the book down, but my interests took me away from this book. The premise brought me back to it. It sounded like it should have been so good. I started over from the first page, got through the beginning and was rewarded by a story that took hold and wouldn’t let go!

Fun fact about this post: It’s actually a Top 2 Tuesday, or, as I like to call it, a TOP TWOS-DAY! #SorryForTheDadJoke