Top 5 books I didn’t get to in 2018

Top 5?! HA! How about a top 500? 5,000! 5 MILLION! But 1) who has time to write a post that long? And 2) who would actually put up with my terrible writing to read a post that long? 1) no one and 2) my mom.

My TBR, bookshelf, and phone are all full of books that I totally wanted to read this year, and didn’t. I feel like I’ve ranted and raved enough about what might truly be my “top 5” that I’m going to pick 5 that are still very near the top, but I might not have mentioned a thousands times before. And they’re all books that are physically sitting on my bookshelf RIGHT NOW! Most of them have been there for a year…

As always, Top 5 Tuesday is the favourite meme of many bloggers and is hosted by Shanah the Bionic Bookworm. If you aren’t doing it, you’re missing out.

Sea of Rust

Easily one of my favourite covers of all time, yet I still haven’t found the time to open that beautiful cover and read what’s inside. If it’s even half as sweet as the cover, I’m in for a hell of a story.

The Book Thief

SO many people have told me this is one of their favourite books of all time. I don’t know what to say… I’ve enjoyed having it on my TBR?

All Rights Reserved

Such a unique premise. I’ve heard lukewarm things about the actual story, but I still HAVE to read this one.


Ugh. The further I get into this post, the worse I feel about myself. I blame the ARCs. ARCs KEPT ME FROM READING ALL OF THESE!

Iron Gold

This one, I think, has to be my worst crime. I’m such a fan of the Red Rising series that I’ll push it on anyone who’ll listen (or even pretend to listen.) I went out the day it was on shelves and got my copy. And yet, have not even started it.

Fun fact about this post: Got the classic editor back! For those of you screaming, “HOW?! TELL ME OR DIE!” The classic editor is now a free add-on. Download it. Activate it. Done and done.