Top 5 books that need to be a movie

This week in Shanah’s Top 5 Tuesday we’re talking about books that need to be movies. It’s a little different than just your favourite books. These books have scenes that I was able to visualize so clearly, with special effects and all, that I now NEED to see those scenes play out for real in front of my eyes (even though Hollywood has a talent for screwing up most adaptations.)

Six of Crows book cover

Six of Crows

The scene that jumps out of me the most is when Inej is climbing up the chimney, shoes melting, hands burning, but keeps going regardless.


There’s an amazing scene where a man who acts more like a mentor through most of the book suddenly lets loose and fights a bunch of soldiers. So intense.


Illuminae Files

No specific scene on this one. I need to see the WHOLE THING!

Red Rising

I need to see Sevro and howlers cutting their way out of a very clever hiding place.



Oddly enough, I really want to see the training scenes!

Fun fact about this post: I worked really hard to keep things spoiler-free!