Top 5 covers of 2019

This week’s edition of Shanah’s Top 5 Tuesday, we’re talking about the best covers of 2019. I’m glad it specified this year, otherwise I probably would have carted out 5 covers that I’ve been talking about since they were first published. Looking into 2019 only made me do some digging, looking at both books I’ve read and haven’t read so far this year. Enough rambling, let’s look at pretty books!


by Robert Jackson Bennett

Okay, so maybe this one isn’t necessarily pretty, but it’s intense and draws my eye. And I’m not a gun nut. I don’t own gun. I’ve only fired a gun 2 or 3 times on a farm, and only ever at inanimate targets. But still, there’s something about this cover. The background is great, but I think it’s the text that really pulls me in. It’s simple and printed small, which you don’t see that often. It almost looks like it could be corporate branding for a gun company. I just love it.


by Emily A. Duncan

I like the mixed media on this. Blood drip, monotone city scape, and a sky made of crumpled paper.


by Pierce Brown

Yup! Managed to squeeze in Red Rising. To be fair, this is very cookie cutter to the rest of the series, but it’s such a strong design in the first place, and the when you put them all in a row…


by Katy Rose Pool

A feast for the eyes. It’s not of those covers that you can’t actually take all in at once. You need to look at it piece by piece or it’s just all going over your head.


by Jay Kristoff

Maybe it’s only on this list because it’s my most anticipated read of the year, but LOOK AT IT! A lot of people will say it’s not as good as the UK cover, and while I’m not sure if I agree with that or not, this is still something to behold. Wonderful illustration and you just know that cover is telling you all kinds of things, but we’re just too blind to truly see any of it.

Fun fact about this post: Cruel irony has  Darkdawn sitting on my shelf until I can get through an ARC. WHY?! WHY MUST I PROCRASTINATE SO MUCH!??!?!