Books I Want to Read Before the End of the Year (…but probably won’t)

I know what you’re thinking: But if you want to read them, then why won’t you?

Simple. I’m an awful person. I’ve been forcing these books to sit on my shelf while telling people I’m going to read them SOON. I’ve been saying that about some of these title for a few years now. Honestly, it’s sickening. Anyway. Here’s a list, in order of ‘most likely to read before the end of the year‘ to ‘least likely‘. I’ll just keep adding books until I’m too depressed to keep going.

by Jay Kristoff

What? How? I pre-ordered this sucker. HOW?!


by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff

This hurts! It huuuurrrrrrrrts! Tell Jay I’m sorry!


Iron Gold
by Pierce Brown

Another one I pre-ordered, and now book 5 is out.


A Darker Shade of Magic
by V.E. Schwab

Seriously. No excuse. None.


The Perks of Being a Wallflower
by Stephen Chbosky

“But it’s so short! A child could read it in a day!” I know, I know.


by V.E. Schwab

When you’re talking to Jay, apologize to Victoria as well.


Crooked Kingdom
by Leigh Bardugo



by Marie Lu



Sea of Rust
by C. Robert Cargill

Prffuf! The winner of the Contest of Covers and I can’t even open it? I’m awful.


by Ryan Graudin

Was told this was Doctor Who X Firefly and didn’t need to hear any more to buy. Apparently I need to hear more to read it though!


All Rights Reserved
by Gregory Scott Katsoulis

I have nothing left to say.


Hopefully my books down grow legs, cause they’ll walk out on me and I’d deserve it. How many of these will I get through in the next 2 months? Who knows? I know a lot of people could get through the whole list, but my life is busy and NaNoWriMo begins tomorrow which will leave me with even less time! SOMEONE HELP ME!

Also, do I have any of these out of order? Which should get the priority?

Fun fact about this post: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!