Top 5 Books I Didn’t Get to in 2019

Top 5 Tuesday is created by the always prolific Shanah, the Bionic Book Worm, and this week we’re looking at books we DIDN’T get to in 2019.

This is a tough one. Not just because of the crushing guilt I’ll be feeling when I list books that I said I would ABSOLUTELY read this year. There’s also the fact that there are 3 weeks left of 2019. And when it comes to saying I’m going to read something, I may not be very accurate, but I’m an optimist! So even the books that do end up on this list may end up getting read.

To compensate for my delusion that I’m going to read a whole bunch in the next 3 weeks, I’ll list a few extra books and the entire list from LEAST LIKELY to be read before the end of year to MOST LIKELY. How about that? Enough excuses! ON WITH THE SHAME PARADE!!


by Gregory Scott Katsoulis

I fell in love with this concept and cover when it was originally published, but lukewarm reviews have kept it from being the very best book on my TBR…


by Neal Shusterman

No specific reason why this one doesn’t make it to the top of the pile. I’m interested. There are just so many other books that are perhaps a little more interesting.


by C. Robert Cargill

No illusions. I keep this one around because of how in love I am with the cover. It’s always in the conversation, but something else always steps in front.



by Ryan Graudin

I’ve been sold on this one since the author tweeted ‘DOCTOR WHO X FIREFLY.’


by Marie Lu

It’s getting to the part of my list where I no longer can think of any excuses.



by Leigh Bardugo

I read Bardugo’s Ninth House this year, which makes me feel a little better about this one being left unread. But only a little.



by V.E. Schwab

I’ve liked superheroes forever. Why no read this?



by Pierce Brown

Absolutely no comment.



by Jay Kristoff

I really thought I would have cracked this one open the day it arrived in the mail. I haven’t. There’s seriously something wrong with me.

Fun fact about this post: This list probably looks A LOT like a ‘Books I didn’t get to in 2018’ post…