NaNoWriMo 2019 Wrap-Up!!

Okay! This post has been a long time coming (too lazy to write it) and publicly demanded (by no one) to talk about gargantuan NaNoWriMo efforts (sitting at a keyboard) and explain why I didn’t blog for a month (which no one noticed).

November is always a tough month for me when it comes to spare time. Having a full-time job and kids that are into their own extra-curricular stuff means “spare time” is already hard to find. Now imagine taking that small amount of time and cramming 1,667 words of writing into it. Let me just say some sleep was sacrificed.


I felt bad that I wasn’t blogging during that time, but I just couldn’t fit it in. Could barely even think about it. Even my reading time suffered, which was one of biggest struggles of all.

However, despite all the hardships (oh, poor baby) I WON! 50,000 words in November!

The story I was writing, which I think will end up being about 100K all in, is about a group of detectives trying to catch a serial killer in a smallish town. What I found to be interesting is that the chapters from the perspective of the killer were way easier to write than the ones from the side of the law. I obviously know more about being a serial killer than I do about being in law enforcement (Quick! Someone call the cops!)

Now I’m faced with a particularly annoying quandary. I have 3 projects all begging for my attention.

  1. This NaNo project is going to need another 30-50K to be complete.
  2. A first draft from last year needs some attention and a new draft.
  3. A BRAND NEW story that popped into my head last week has taken over my every waking thought. It just walked up to me, slapped me in the mouth and dared me to do something about.

As desperately as I want to write the brand new idea, I know myself. If I don’t finish that first draft on number 1, I might never finish it. It might remain abandoned forever. What to do, what to do…


Fun fact about this post: Does anyone else hear a random voice shouting insults, or is that in my head?