Top 5 Authors – F, G, H, I, & J

Top 5 Tuesday is created by the always prolific Shanah, the Bionic Book Worm, and this week we’re talking about favourite authors F through J. This one was even tougher than last week. If this theme has made me realize anything, it’s that I jump around from author to author A LOT. There aren’t very many that I’ve read deep into, and some are being put on these lists based off of a single book, or books that I have on my TBR!

F – Jonathan Franzen

So, right off the bat, Jonathan Franzen is one of those authors who I’ve only read one book from. To be fair, The Corrections is a fantastic book that has stayed with me 10+ years later. I have another of his on my bookshelf that I auto-bought on his name alone, though I haven’t read it just yet.

G – Neil Gaiman

Anyone who doesn’t have Neil Gaiman on their top authors list has probably never read a Neil Gaiman book. The guy has this ability to make you laugh at silly, slapstick antics and still come away feeling emotionally torn over one issue or another. It’s almost like he’s able to walk into a room and give you a bag of candy. And it’s really good candy, so you eat the whole bag. And when you’re done he comes back and says, “That wasn’t candy. It was vegetables. You’re healthier now.”

H – Hugh Howey

Hugh is another 1-booker, but what a book! Wool brought me out of a huge reading slump once upon a time, and I’m a fan of his online antics. There’s a video of him crashing a book party where a bunch of his fans were meeting in costume and he shows up, also dressed in costume. Pretty epic.

I – Walter Isaacson

Okay. This is my biggest stretch so far. I haven’t read any of Mr. Isaacson’s books, but I have 2 on my shelf. One on Steve Jobs, and one on Leonardo DaVinci. I’m very much looking forward to reading them, it just hasn’t happened yet!

J – Jay Kristoff


This guy. THIS guy! Jay Kristoff is a creative juggernaut. I imagine the stuff he’s thrown out is world’s ahead of some of the awful, awful books I’ve read in my time. I have to believe he has like a literary Midas touch. Jay works on a story, it’s dripping in gold.


Fun fact about this post: You think this week is bad? Just wait until I start inventing names because I can’t find an author with a name that starts with X!!