The woman applying for her license was sweating a lot. Understandable with the circumstances being what they were. The average person only applied for one kill license in...
Continue reading...Writing
K is for Kill License
I have a short piece of fiction for you today. This is part one of a story that you can read more of later this month....
Continue reading...What was the First Thing you Wrote?
The earliest thing I can remember writing was for my sister.
Continue reading...Bad Reviews
Few things in the literary world scare writers more than bad reviews. A new writer is scared to get even one bad review, thinking it reflects...
Continue reading...Being a Prolific Writer
Writing 500 words a day would produce a book in about 6 months.
Continue reading...Resolutions are Made to be Broken, Aren’t They?
Writing is where I’ve slacked off. Considering how important writing is to me, it sure get pushed to the side easily enough.
Continue reading...Looking Toward NaNoWriMo!
With the second draft of Living Legend done and into the hands of my beta readers, I have a month to fill before NaNoWriMo begins. What...
Continue reading...Legendary Draft
It’s pretty exciting to be nearly done draft two. I have my beta readers really and salivating for the manuscript.
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