Motivational Monday – June 12, 2017 – Stop Wishing

stop wishing, start doing

“Stop wishing. Start doing.”

Easy for you to say! I’M the one who actually has to DO things after reading the meme that took someone 15 seconds to make!

But seriously, this one gets right to the heart of the matter and makes me say, “yeah… YEAH! I need to start doing it right now! As soon as I finish this Netflix marathon.”

It’s easy to dream about being at the finish line, but you also have to get up early in the morning and take off from the starting line.

Like some of the best motivational thoughts, this one can apply to just about anything. For me, it’s based in writing. I want to have more completed novels. I want to keep up with my blog and gather hundreds of interesting readers from all corners of the web.

A lot of people tell me, “I should write a book.” And thus, a colourful, fluffy wish is made. I like checking in with those people, so we can say writer things  like, ‘show don’t tell’ to each other. Sadly, they always tell me they still haven’t started.

Writing aside, even if you want to build a house, run a marathon, learn Mandarin, or travel around Europe, put this thought into the front of your mind. Wishing is great. How else would you know what you wanted? But there comes a time for the wishing to end and the action to start.

Don’t be intimidated by what it’s going to take. Focus on taking that first step, whatever that might be. Once you’ve taken that first step, you can turn to the person beside you and say, “I’m doing it.”

P.S. Be careful who you say that to. It’s oddly vague and depending on your situation you may end up in a headlock.