If It Was A Movie Book Tag – Six of Crows

I just finished one of those books that is a perfect candidate to be turned into a movie or TV series. Instead of writing a regular review of it, I thought I’d do a book tag casting the major characters!


• Pick a recent book that seems perfect for film or TV.
• List the major characters from the book and give your choice of the actor or actress that should play the role.
• Tag as many or as few people as you’d like.

Six of Crows book coverSix of Crows

This book knocked me on my ka tuckus. So much so that I just used the term ‘ka tuckus’, which I have never used before. Unique characters with enough depth to drown in, and they all gather together to commit an impossible heist. Come on! Makes me want to read it all over again.

The only caveat I want to throw out there before I give you picks is regarding the age of the characters. The book references a few times that the main six are all mid to late teens. That’s not how I saw them. I tried, but as I read further and further they came to life in my head at all different ages. You’ve been warned.

Kaz Brekker – Ian McShane

I mentioned the different age thing, right? I know, I know. This is REALLY different, but there’s no better actor for a role like this. Don’t believe me? Go watch the Deadwood series sometime. McShane’s character is basically Kaz Brekker, but he swears more. A lot more. In fact, if you don’t like swearing, DON’T watch Deadwood. I haven’t watched American Gods yet, but I’ll bet McShane is going to kill it in that role as well.

Inej Ghafa – Sofia Boutella

The book gave me the impression that Inej is beautiful and tough as nails. Boutella can be both as well. If she looks familiar, you might have seen her in The Kingsman and she’s also the villain in the new Mummy movie with Tom Cruise.


Nina Zenik – Sarah Rafferty

This one’s all about attitude. Nina spends the majority of her time being sassy, clever and lude. If you’ve ever watched Suits you know that Rafferty’s character Donna spends all of her time to exact same way.


Matthias Helvar – Chris Hemsworth

Fierce, loyal, reeking of decency, and blue eyes that Nina can fall in love with. Yup, the God of Thunder checks all the boxes. Like most of my other choices, he’s too old, but I haven’t seen many 18 years old that would be as grizzled and look as powerful as Matthais is supposed to be.

Jesper Fahey – Mos Def

This rapper turned actor really surprised me when I saw him in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. He was great. He’s been in a few other roles since then, but I can’t believe he’s not in a lot more. I couldn’t think of anyone else for this role.


Wylan Van Eck – Finn Jones

Look at those curls. Just look at them! Need I say more?




Let me know what you think of my choices in the comments below. Love them or hate them, I want to know about it.

And I guess I should tag a few people, so I choose:

Bionic Book Worm
Justine @ I Should Read That
Kel @ Sherlocked in a Tardis with Ron
and Frankie Lovely @ A Thousand Lives of Frankie Lovely
