Top 5 characters I would team up with to rule the world!

Muhahahahaha! It’s time to rule the world. You can do this post too by teaming up with the Bionic Bookworm.

This week’s top 5 is such an interesting one. Which characters would I pick to team up with and rule the world? There’s nothing that says I can’t rule the world in a just way, being fair to all within my realm. But what fun is that to imagine?

Darrow au Andromedus


Because of my current read (and the one before) Darrow is the first one that jumps to mind. His strategic mind, ability to get people behind him, and his willingness to do just about anything make him the perfect partner. Hopefully he brings his pal Sevro along. I think we might need him.

Rand al’Thor


Also known as the Dragon Reborn, this guy just thinks about something and that something happens. He’s a swordmaster, I know enough to not cut my own hand off (probably). He’s basically a Jedi with his mind abilities, I can… think of stuff I want him to use his powers on. What a team! Rand can also handle all the diplomatic stuff that I’d have little to no interest in.

Tyrion Lannister


The man’s a damn genius. He drinks and he knows things. I also drink, and I know a few things: nothing that would help win a war, but does he know that an ostrich’s brain is about the same size as its eyeball? Think about it. I have value, too.

Lord Voldemort


Did you just audibly gasp? Maybe the Dark Lord isn’t a popular choice, but the man (is he still a man?) has ambition, doesn’t he? One of the best magicians there has ever been, and I’m pretty sure he could get some pretty good seats for the Quidditch World Cup.



I don’t have to explain this one, do I? The guy is basically limitless power. He’s normally too good, too ethical, for world domination, but there have been a few times when someone was able to make him realize some of his more dictatorial potential.

Fun fact about this post: I had to look up the thing about the ostrich brain.