The Friday 56

The Friday 56 is a weekly meme hosted at Freda’s Voice that I just discovered. Seems fun.


•Grab a book, any book.
•Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that’s ok.)
•Find any sentence, (or few, just don’t spoil it)
•Post it.
•Add your (url) post below in Linky. Add the post url, not your blog url.
•It’s that simple.

I chose Snow Crash, a book I finished somewhat recently, though I haven’t posted a review on it yet (I’m SO slow!) It’s a sci-fi about… a lot of things, really. It’s pretty complicated. I’ll get into it on another post, I promise.

“He recognizes many of the people in here, but as usual he’s surprised and disturbed by the number he doesn’t recognize—all those sharp, perceptive twenty-one-year-old faces. Software development, like professional sports, has a way of making thirty-year-old men feel decrepit.” 

Yup. Doesn’t matter if you were never into sports or software development. We can all relate to feeling old. I’m just now reaching an age where I’m yelling at people because they haven’t seen one of my favourite movies only to find out it was made before they were born. Oh, man. Why did that I bring that up? I’m going to go drink some Metamucil and take a nap.

Fun fact about this post: When ‘Linky’ was mentioned in the rules, I thought that was a cutesy nickname for a pingback. Had no idea it was an actual thing.